Some of the higlights:
Claire's Weekend Visit - 19th - 20th October
Claire came down from Liverpool on 19th October to come and visit me. It was soooo much fun. We spent the night chatting away and stuff about life in general, and having our normal heart to heart. Claire is an old school friend. We don't really see each other or chat that regularly but whenever we do it's like we havent been apart at all. It's wonderful. We went to MOSH and had an absolutley ace night - we even got our photo on the MOSH website. I find that quite sad actually!!
Rufus Wainwright - 26th OctoberCharlotte and me went to see Rufus Wainwright last Friday at the Symphony Hall and he was totally amazing. Soooo good and talented. Scott Matthews supported who was very very good, and then Rufus came on for an hour and then had a break and then came on or another 90 minutes! So worth it! He was also very witty.
I absolutley LOVE him!
He got changed many times, and was very very entertaining.
First half he was weatring the following:
It's actually a lot more colourful than it looked on the photo!
After that he came out dressed in a Lederhosen which was very funny!The second half was just amazing, and the final song before the encore was absolutley impeccable (Sadly I can't currently remember the name of the song, which is highly frustrating when trying to locate it to listen to!!)
I didnt think they were going to do an encore because of the way they left the stage, but the encore was most definitley the best bit!
Rufus came out in a dressing gown and played a few songs on the piano. I think most people at this point were wondering what he was hiding underneath! Well it was quite something! After the few songs on the piano he put some earings on, a ring, and some lipstick, and highheels.. He then did a cover of 'Get Happy' and it was marvellous!!
He did mime this, but I will clarify it was the only bit of the whole show he mimes. It was absolutley brilliant though! That performance isnt actually from Birmingham, in Brum for some reason they were all wearng builders hats! Was very funny!
Robots in Disguise - 29th October Last night I went to go and see Robots in Disguise and they were absolutley stunning! There was three support acts which was a bit crap because it meant that RID didn't come on till about 11pm and then they didn't play for as long as I'd hoped, but they were amazing. So much fun! I had a feeling they'd be completley pretentious, and not really that nice, but they weren't at all.
They were a lot better than I expected them to be!
Although there were three support acts time didnt drag at all. We made a pretty good night out of it. A couple of cheeky drinks in before we went to the gig and then a few while we were there.
I went with Bob, Harvey and Matt. Matt and Harvey are a
couple of lads Alex and me met in Mosh a few weeks ago. I've not seen them since we went to mosh so gotta admit was hoping it wasn't going to be too weird, but it wasnt at all

Faaaaaaab night!!!!
Well I am going to try and update and reflect a little on life tomorrow... I now have the day off work as I have I landed myself in A&E today after I discovered I couldnt breathe and was having severe chest pains. Apparantly I've popped a muscle out in my chest or something (?!)... I didn't know something as simple could be so damned painful. It's quite horrible!