Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Feeling lots better today. Spent a lot of time chatting ro Richard last night on messenger. Was just chatting about life and stuff, and the future, and told him lots of stuff that I've needed to talk through with someone for a good while. It's not really made any of it any clearer, but was just good to chat things through with someone, as I just don't do that normally. Find it so hard to talk to people about emotions, plans, feelings etc...

Today I have got up, and literally done nothing since then. I got up at about 9am, and have been watching day time TV ever since.

Sounds like Bob is planning to come back to Leicester tonight with Seb and Dave. Apparantly Dave has got conjunctivitus and is not wanting to drive back to Sheffield, so Bob has said they can stop at his. Therefore, I think we're going out for a drink which will be quite nice. Could do with a good night.

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