Monday, 17 September 2007

I have been so efficient today. This morning I went to Eucharist and Staff Breakfast, and then I did loads of work including the youth notice sheet for this Sunday, contact lots of people, arrange dates for the october half trips I'm doing, do a Taize poster, and attend a meeting. All in two hours.

After that I met up th Shell, as she was in Leicester for an interview. She's moving to Leicester on Friday which is very cool. I reckon she will mostly have her own set of friends as time moves on, and we've not really been in contact for a couple of years, and we're both doing entirely different things, but it'll be cool to see her on occasions etc :) Was lovely to see her today.

Then I did some food shopping, came home and had a snooze as for some reason was totally exhausted, and then I cooked as Peter was coming round for dinner tonight. Was nice to see Peter actually. Not really seen him properly in a little while, so it was cool.

Now I have to go and make an effort to wash up, or at least leave things to soak, so they aren't caked in food tomorrow and impossible to clean!

I a so tired... even though I did sleep for two hours this afternoon.

Feeling kind of miserable actually, and I don't even know why, had a lovely day :(

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