Wednesday 26 September 2007

Not updated in a couple of days as have been away at college and other various things...

Sunday: Bob came over and we had a very lovely roast dinner. We had lamb, and roast potatoes, and loads of other delights! It was lovely.

Monday and Tuesday: I was at college which was actually really good. I must admit I was really dreading going back and getting back into it, but it was so fab, and enjoyable. Had some good chats with people and also had a very nice Chinese Take-away with Kelly and Katy which was delightful and yummy.

Today has been really good so far. Met up with Anna this morning for coffee which was nice. We also went to the Christian bookshop and brought some Bible notes. We've decided while she is still in England we're going to try and meet up on a weekly basis and reflect on the notes, and talk about what God's been saying to us that week etc about those weeks notes. Am very excited by this as feel like it will actually be a real motivation for me to actually get down to it and read my bible. It was lovely to meet up with her again after greenbelt. Didn't really get to chat with her then, so was cool :)

Also gone into work and Sarah has designed a fab leaflet with all the youth work activities and stuff the Cathedral do etc. So very pleased with that. We now have a logo for Youth at Leicester Cathedral which is most exciting!! :) This evening I have been doing a design group with some young people about a basement we've got and are wanting to turn into a youth facility. It was ace :)

Life is really good at the moment. I'm excited about work, and just where God may or may not be taking me. Whilst at college I chatted to a couple of people about callings etc, and have decided that actually I need to stop dwelling on what may happen in the future. I need to be open to embracing it, but I also need to live my life for the now at the moment. So that's exactly what I'm going to do!

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